Monday, September 21, 2009

beginning again

So, I had cancer, thank God. No joke, really I am thankful for my cancer. My God entrusted me with this ordeal, and I will not waste it.

As of a week ago, the Dr. says I no longer have cancer. The levels in my blood are finally normal, and the CT scan shows NO MORE spots on my lungs. Hallelujah!

I go tomorrow for my first "check-up" blood test which will determine if in fact i am still cancer free or if it's grown anymore. I will go once a week for a month, then once a month for a year. I still have my port a cath. The Dr. said maybe in about 6 months, if the cancer has not come back, then I can have it removed.

One year ago this week I was competing in a powerlifting meet. Lifting heavy and loving it. Now, I can hardly do more than a few sets of body weight squats or walk on the treadmill for half an hour. Three months of weekly chemo treatments (poison as I call it) weaken and damage the body. Fortunately, most of the effects are reversible. My liver, kidneys, and even hair are all still intact! My body is stiff, my bones ache, and my muscles are tired, BUT ...

Lesson 1: God has given each of us only ONE body, and it is our responsibility to care for it!

Now that I'm finished with chemotherapy treatments, I am committed to strengthen my body physically in order to be as healthy as I know how. Literally starting at the beginning- again. Not that I didn't care about my body before, but now I am convicted to be a good steward of this gift God has given me.
Today is the day for which I have been waiting. No weekly doctor's exam, no chemo treatment this week, no mouth sores, no nausea, fewer tired days: recovery!
Praise God.